What we do

Coral Restoration

Due to the decline of coral health in the ocean, there is a global effort to increase the conservation and restoration of coral reefs. The ScubbleBubbles are using coral restoration techniques being used in Bonaire , the Bahamas, and around the world to encourage asexual reproduction in branching corals. Our first two restoration projects focus on Acropora Cervicornis (Staghorn coral).

This involves growing coral fragments in a ‘coral nursery’

Then outplanting the corals onto the reef once they are large enough.

Reef Clean Ups

Every dive has potential to be a reef clean up. At least once a month volunteers dive at one of two dive sites to specifically clean up the reef. At Malmock, the trash is mostly bottle caps and fishing lines. At Spaans Lagoon it ranges from bottles to tires and refrigerators!

Beach Clean Ups

Every month a team of volunteers conduct a morning beach clean up at different areas around the island. They are dedicated to keeping all of Aruba’s beaches clean and beautiful.

Reef Surveys

Volunteers receive training to conduct reef surveys using photos and videos. Some volunteers dive and perform the survey while others analyze the photo and videos. It is a great way to ensure valid data and to get those who cannot dive involved.